12 ways to boost your income in 2021 – everything from online surveys to voice acting – Manchester Evening News

Last year was a time of financial difficulty for many people across the UK.

The coronavirus pandemic triggered mass redundancy, pay cuts and loss of earnings that the nation continues to feel the brunt of.

This lack of financial security has led many UK residents to consider alternate streams of income – if not multiple streams – to stay afloat and potentially thrive as we work our way through 2021.

Whether you’re supplementing your current income or looking for ways to earn money while you search for your next full time job – it’s helpful to know what options are available to you.

And despite the apparent difficulties of social distancing and the strict restrictions of the UK’s third national lockdown, living in the digital era still has its benefits.

With the help of technology and the internet, there are now several ways to make money online while you stay home to save lives.

Here are 12 ways to boost your income in 2021.

1. Sell unwanted items on eBay and Facebook Market Place

Most of us have used eBay at some point in our lives.

Selling your unwanted items can amount to a tidy sum in no time.

So if you’re strapped for cash, consider a de-clutter, practise the art of minimalism and rid yourself of possessions you no longer need.

2. Become a pro re-seller

It’s no secret that the business of buying and selling is a lucrative one.

So once your comfortable with selling things you no longer need online, start to look for ways you can make a profit.

Many people make money online – and in the real world – by buying things in bulk for cheap and selling them individually for more money per item.

Common items include wholesale jewellery and accessories and technology accessories.

3. Set up an Etsy shop online

If you have a creative hobby, consider setting up an Etsy shop.

Etsy sellers sell homemade, handcrafted items including paintings, drawings, jewellery, bath bombs and more.

If you don’t have the creative gene, another popular item on Etsy is gift hamper boxes.

Many people bulk buy wholesale sweets and chocolates and arrange them in personalised hamper boxes to sell for a profit.

4. Start a baking business

Sticking with the sweet theme, if you’re a keen baker, you could easily make a bit of money on the side selling your baked goods and posting them out to people.

You can make huge profits on selling baked goods – compared to the original cost of the ingredients.

And you don’t have to be to be ridiculously skilled to start up.

Choose one baked item to master – for example cookies and expand your offering as you gain more experience.

If you’re a social media user you will often see home bakers selling their products on Instagram and Facebook pages.

5. Online surveys

Consumer information is extremely valuable to business owners.

So much so, that you can get paid for just sharing your opinion or experience with a particular service or product.

There are plenty of online survey sites that let you earn rewards for your feedback.

i-Say, Swagbucks and PopulusLive are just three of the online survey sites that offer rewards for your opinion.

6. Selling old study notes

If you’ve recently graduated from university you could make money from selling your notes.

Websites like stuvia.co.uk allow students and former students to sell their notes on the site.

For example, some English notes are selling up to £40 per paper.

If you have a selection of notes to sell you could make a lot of money with little effort.

7. Become an online tutor

If you know a lot about a particular subject, consider becoming an online tutor.

Online tutors can earn between £10 and £20 per hour.

Website mytutor.co.uk is a popular choice for those wanting flexibility.

8. Become a freelancer or consultant

If you already have a 9-5 job, use those skills to do odd jobs for people in your spare time.

If you work in the creative sector, edit videos and pictures, write copy, draw, design, build websites for personal clients in your spare time.

Take on as many clients as you can handle – whether it’s two or three a week or just once client a month.

Just make sure than any work you do outside of your 9-5 doesn’t breach your employment contract.

9. Upcycle and resell clothes

If you’re into fashion and have basic sewing and designing skills – you could make a profitable business up-cycling clothing and footwear.

Start with your own unwanted clothing items, add new buttons and your other signature embellishments and then resell the items online.

It’s becoming increasingly popular to buy second hand clothes with a ‘story’ and support smaller fashion businesses.

Having a side hustle in fashion could also help you land a career job in the future and set you apart from other applicants going for the same role.

10. Consider social media management

Social media management is a popular profession.

The most successful social media managers will look after the accounts of hugely successful and well known businesses.

But if you’re an avid social media user, you’re not afraid of hard work, and think you know your way around the Twittersphere, why not start small and approach a local business owner who has a poor online presence.

There are still many small business owners without an online presence – or if they do have an online presence it’s of a low standard.

Brush up your social media knowledge and offer to help these businesses for a small fee per hour or per project.

Once you have more experience under your belt you can always up your prices.

If this ends up being something you enjoy doing – it could help you land a top job at a successful social media management company – or you could even start your own.

11. Start reviewing products

This tip isn’t guaranteed to help you earn money straight away but eventually it can become profitable – and you might be lucky enough to get a few free products on your journey.

If you’re beauty products for example, make a public Instagram account or YouTube channel and start sharing reviews.

You could start by talking to your phone camera on selfie mode.

Eventually you could gain a following, companies might approach you for reviews and send you items in the post, and you could be paid to advertise products on your Instagram account or make money from adverts appearing on your YouTube videos.

12. Become a voice actor

If you have a distinctive and clear voice, why not consider becoming a voice actor.

In the UK, voice actors can charge between £150 and £250 per hour.

You don’t need to be part of an agency to get work.

You can use sites including peopleperhour.com and fiverr.com to advertise your voice.

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