Some Southern Tier schools and businesses are sharing close to $9.5 million in funding state-wide to help New York businesses connect with qualified workers.
New York Governor Andrew Cuomo March 2 announced The Broome County Urban League, Broome Tioga Workforce, Buckingham Manufacturing, Fortitude Industries and Owego Apalachin School District are among 75 institutions getting money from the New York State Workforce Development Initiative. The program supports job training and employment opportunities in high-demand industries.

The Workforce Development Initiative was launched in May of 2019 to help train New Yorkers to meet the specific short-term workforce needs of businesses in the state, improve regional talent pipelines and address long-term needs of growing industries.
With the advent of the pandemic last year, much of the job training effort is being focused now on helping businesses, workers and communities recover.
READ MORE: See 50 remote jobs that can pay well
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