Student online business: 5 ideas for combining work and study – Santa Clarita Valley Signal

Many people wonder how a student can start his own business. In this article, we have gathered 5 ideas for future entrepreneurs who are still getting an education and are looking for options for profitable destinations with minimal investment.

Statistics say that more than 50% of students work part-time. And the motivation is not always the lack of money for school or housing. Very often students combine work with their studies, because they want to get practical experience in their future profession or additional skills. But there are also many who are already thinking about starting their own business in the self-employment format and beyond.

Student work is usually associated with posting advertisements, promotional activities, or writing term papers. But enterprising individuals are quite capable of starting their own business while still students. There are many ideas for small businesses, and everyone can find one that he or she likes and will make a profit.

The starting capital plays an important role in the beginning of entrepreneurial activity. For many students, it is this point that becomes a stumbling block: there is enthusiasm, there is an idea, but there is no money. What to do in such a case? Look for an idea that will allow you to earn from scratch.

Today there are many ways to start your own business. The main thing is desire and aspiration. Statistics show that only 5% of young enthusiasts actually start a profitable business. Why such disappointing figures? Simply, of all the dreamers, only 5% make the effort to do what they want.

1. Creation and promotion of websites

If you know the programming languages and the principles of working in visual editors, you can start earning money by creating websites and blogs, as well as promoting them. It is easy to open such a business, but it is much harder to succeed in it. The market is replete with these kinds of proposals, so you have to fight for your customers. Place ads, lower prices, offer good terms and extra service. You can start with the simplest orders from acquaintances. Often people who need simple business card sites tend to save money. Start small, gain practice, build up a customer base, build up a portfolio and gradually expand your business. After a few months of practice, you can start doing more time-consuming work – creating and maintaining the site, etc.

2. Tutoring and text translation services

Students who are in their senior year can try their hand at tutoring. You can teach core subjects. If you are a future teacher, then one of the options for earning money – to prepare a pupil for school or exams, help with homework, and so on. You can organize courses in programming or English for the very young.

Students of philological and translation specialties can work as tutors, essay writer and the services of copywriting, translation, content management. Such a business does not require special expenses. It’s enough to place an offer of your services on the classifieds site – and wait for customers to call. The advantage of such an idea is that you get not only earnings, but also professional experience, a portfolio, and work on your reputation.

3. Computer repair and software setup

Another way to make money for those who know about technology. The scheme of work is simple: you distribute ads for your services and wait for the client to call you. Looking for any other ways to promote your services is hard enough. But how do you get an order if there are many such ads? Publish ads on social networks, distribute information to fellow students, run a simple online business card site that will advertise your services. Set prices lower than your competitors. The first time working on the formation of a customer base. If you approve yourself as a good specialist, then without a job just do not stay.

4. Promotion of web-projects

Today many people have their project on the Internet. To monetize it, it is necessary to promote the project and expand the audience. That is why there are entrepreneurs who are engaged in the promotion of Internet products. Among them, there are many dubious individuals who use primitive ways that do not arouse people’s confidence. However, professionals who really understand the subject and know how to use various promotional tools are worth their weight in gold.

If you are interested in working in this direction, you can post your ad and offer cooperation. Do not chase a lot of money right away. For the first orders, take the minimum to gain experience and replenish the piggy bank of his work. If you create a good reputation, after a while customers will come to you and pay good money. The potential in this field is huge.

5. Online marketing

Network marketing is a system that allows you to earn income from the sales of newly arrived salespeople. The more salespeople you attract, the more money the person who brought them into the system gets.

There are two ways to make money from network marketing:

● Join an existing networking company and distribute its products through catalogs. The main advantages are that no investments are required, but you need to have high communication skills in order to succeed in this field.
● Organize your own networking company. This option is a little more difficult, as it requires selecting a future product and a reliable supplier. You can also create your own product and distribute it through network marketing. To implement this idea is more difficult, but the benefits will be greater, as the businessman is in the best position and receives a percentage of sales from all managers who have come to the company.

If the choice still fell on joining the existing company, it is worth approaching this issue with caution. It is worth choosing from well-known brands, as a popular product is easier to sell.

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