Kibo Code Quantum Review: Proven 5-Step Money Making System? – Seattle Weekly

Kibo Code Quantum is a one of a kind program designed by top best online marketers to help readers understand how to gain success in the field of internet marketing and e-commerce.

Given how 2020 went, with the world coming to a standstill due to the covid-19 pandemic, quite a lot of businesses shut down. But if there’s one thing that helped people during 2020, it was the e-commerce business.

This is pretty obvious since everyone around the world was confined inside their houses due to the lockdown which took place on a global scale. This gave the e-commerce sector a major chance to boost its industry as a whole and currently, it is one of the most successfully running sectors.

If you think about it, e-commerce has been there since the time the internet came into existence, but it did take quite a while for people to shift to the new way of conducting business and shopping.

And as of now, people are actively trying to use e-commerce to boost their business or even start a business, while some of them are successful, the rest find it hard to get a break in this competitive world of e-commerce.

This is exactly why Steve Clayton and Aidan Booth have come up with a revolutionary program called the Kibo Code Quantum to help people achieve success in the world of internet marketing and e-commerce.

This is a one of a kind program that will help you understand the world of internet marketing and e-commerce and will help you gain a lot of success and traction as well.

Kibo Code Quantum


E-commerce is a sector that has been growing steadily for the last few years and has grown exponentially in the year 2020. Making use of this spurt in the e-commerce and the internet marketing industries is a wise thing to do. By diving into this sector of business, you can potentially start making a lot of money, but only if you do it right. You cannot just go about starting an online business without any knowledge of it, and that is exactly why the Kibo Code Quantum program was designed. It was made for people like you and me. By going through this program you can unlock the secrets to earning money from home.

The Kibo Code program is based on 5 steps that will help you make more money than you could have imagined. Plus it has 7 modules which are specifically designed to help you to understand the requirements that help run a successful business online.

In simple terms, the Kibo Code Quantum program is a professional internet marketing and e-commerce training program which will help you start your very own online business, and help you monetize from it.

This is the second internet marketing program, the first one being Kibo Code which came out in the month of January, 2020. The Kibo Code Quantum is the updated version of the Kibo Code.

The program offers you a comprehensive plan on how to make profits from your eCommerce store. It teaches strategies on how to create and grow your eCommerce store using proven strategies. And the best thing is that the program doesn’t just show you how to create a successful business, it offers you a tested and proven strategy to accomplish this.

Applicants of the program also receive bonus items that they can access from their personalized eCommerce platform. Moreover, they also receive software and advanced tools to resolve the technical barriers involved in the running of their business.

The program is available online and members can live to stream it for free. Just log in and the dashboard has all the resources, tools, extras, support, and member updates to mention a few.

More About Kibo Code Quantum

The Kibo Code Quantum program is a training program which is easy to understand and implement where you will learn about the various online business models and how to monetize from it. Just like how the big online stores do (Amazon, Flipkart).

There is no argument that there are several other courses which offer pretty much the same, but the difference lies in the fact that the Kibo Code Quantum program will put you in touch with your trainer and not just send you video tutorials and downloadable PDFs.

The Kibo Code Quantum program has 7 modules that will be covered in a span of 8 weeks. Another big difference between the Kibo Code Quantum program and other internet marketing programs is that, with Kibo Code Quantum you will not be expected to do any kind of online sales or run any kind of online ads, but rather, you will be learning various different concepts and also how to use several different bonus items and tools that are a part of this program and moreover, you will not be charged extra for the bonus tools/items.

The Kibo Code Quantum program looks forward to helping people understand how to generate sales by listing products and much more.

As mentioned above, this program is based on 5 steps that will help you earn money.

Step 1 – The very first step is to purchase a domain (website) and install your store. The Kibo Code Quantum program will provide you with tools to help you find the right domain for you.

Step 2 – The second step is to add products in domain, this program will also help you find themes for your domain, so you can customize the way your website looks.

Step 3 – after you’ve added the products to your domain, you should now work on generating more traffic. The Kibo Code Quantum program will help you understand the different methods through which you can generate a lot of traffic on your website.

Step 4 – This is the step where you actually start making sales and generate revenue. This program will help you handle the inventory with the best tips and tools.

Step 5 – the last step is the easiest. This is where you automate the delivery system and enjoy the money that you earn. Furthermore, you can also purchase more domains and start more online businesses.

This eCommerce training program applies to anyone who desires to run a successful side business online. Here’s the catch; Anyone can use the program since it doesn’t require any experience whatsoever.

To learn about traffic generation strategies, the program outlines quick techniques that you can learn that don’t require the technical experience. The program’s initial version wasn’t technical either and students who tried are willing to attest to its efficiency, which offers you proof that it works.

However, the program hasn’t yet been launched until January 2021. Therefore, anyone who claims that they have access to the program is likely a scammer. If you are skeptical about the Kibo Code Quantum program, just peruse through the customer testimonials online to see what previous customers are saying about the program.

The Modules

Now that you have a good idea of what the 5 steps are, you have a basic understanding of how this program will help you. But these 5 steps can be pretty useless without the knowledge the modules provide.

The modules in the Kibo Code Quantum are designed in a way that you can make use of all the information to make more money and also to understand how to stay afloat in the world of e-commerce and internet marketing.

Let us dive a little more deep into these modules, this will give you a good idea of what to expect from the modules and the Kibo Code Quantum program.

MODULE – 1 (Central Intelligence)

This is the very first module you will come across in the Kibo Code Quantum program, it will help you learn the basics of internet marketing and how you can market your products/business using texts and videos. With this being the very first module, it will ensure that everyone is one the same boat, regardless of if they know about online marketing or not.

MODULE – 2 (StoreStorm)

In this module where you will start learning more about buying a domain and how to build it. Plus you will also learn how to use the tools and themes, this will help you when it comes to customizing your online store.

MODULE – 3 (Hand Picked Products)

Pay close attention to this module, because the Kibo Code Quantum program will tell you about the best selling online products that help in generating massive amounts of revenue. You can select any of those products and start making money. Even with only a few days of training, you will be able to generate a lot of revenue.

MODULE – 4 (Profit Vault)

In general, it takes a lot of time for individuals to identify the best selling products. But with the help of the Kibo Code Quantum program you will be specifically told about the best selling products, without wasting valuable time. Plus this module also aims to help people learn more about suppliers, middlemen, and stores and how to choose the best one for their business.

MODULE – 5 (Traffic Black Box)

The fifth module of the Kibo Code Quantum program, you will learn various different techniques and methods through which you can generate a lot of traffic on otur website. So make sure you pay attention to this module because if you generate more traffic that instantly means more profit for you.

MODULE – 6 (Oracle X)

If you follow all the above mentioned steps and imply it, you will have your online business up and running in no time.

And in the 6th module of the Kibo Code Quantum program you will also learn about how you can search for more top selling products, so that you can add them to your store in the long run to keep generating profit.

MODULE – 7 (Kibo Academy)

This is the last module in the Kibo Code Quantum program and it will address all the problems that you face as a beginner while trying to set up their online stores. You will also be given access to the Exclusive Kibo Code Quantum community, where you can connect with professionals and the creators of this program and gain more knowledge and advice from them.

And over the course of 8 weeks, you will

  • Get a premium domain
  • Build an online store with the help of shopify
  • Learn how to setup stores and pages
  • Establish up Google Advertisements & Merchant.
  • Establish Microsoft Advertisements & Vendor Center.
  • Set up Google Purchasing Feed app.
  • You will learn how to establish Bing Shopping and Loox Reviews App
  • Making Google ad accounts
  • Using analytics
  • Optimization of purchases and deliveries
  • How to use tracking apps
  • Social media marketing

More About The Creators

As mentioned earlier in the article, the Kibo Code Quantum program was created by Aidan Booth and Steve Clayton. They are among the best online marketers who have been in this industry for a very long time. But just like you and me, they started out as beginners and after years of working in this online business industry they have. Compiled the best methods, business modules and online marketing secrets to help you start and run your own online business. This way you will not have to spend more time, trying to figure out what works best for you.


Benefits of the Kibo Code Quantum

Here are the benefits of the Kibo Code Quantum program


Unlike other programs, you do not have to break your head trying to understand how an online business works, Aidan and Steve have simplified everything for you without leaving out any of the important parts. This will make implementation of your online business strategies very easy.


As you are aware this program was created by two of the most experienced people in this field. All the content in this module is based on their experiences in this sector. This will help you understand difficult concepts with ease and with the access to the Kibo Code Quantum community, you can also get in touch with the creators.


If you compare the pricing of the Kibo Code Quantum program and other online marketing programs, you will find that this program is a little more costly than the rest, but it also has more to offer than the rest of the online marketing programs out there. In short, this program is worth the money they charge.


Although a lot of people may find it hard to spend money on this program, you can be sure that you can recover the money invested once you start your online business.

What Do You Need To Learn This Course?

All you have to give is your time and dedication. Apart from that, the only requirement from your side is that you have a good internet connection and computer/laptop to help you do the work.

Where To Buy The Kibo Code Quantum Program?

The Kibo Code Quantum program can be purchased through their official website The earlier version of the Kibo Code Quantum program was priced at $3497 and it was supposed to be paid in 4 installments of $997.

The cost and installment details remain pretty much the same for the Kibo Code Quantum program as well.

Additionally, when you purchase the Kibo Code Quantum program you also get free bonus items, they are

  • The Secret Mastermind ($4997)
  • Kibo Code Live Recordings ($3997)
  • 7-Figure Scaling Secrets ($4997)

These items are completely free, you do not have to pay anything extra.


Why should you invest in the program?

While there are many programs out there that teach how to make money online, here’s what makes the Kibo Code Quantum program unique:

For starters, the program is made by experts with an excellent record in making money online, and they are willing to teach you strategies on how to be successful. Secondly, this is not a new program that hasn’t been tried. Since the previous training program was successful, this new edition has been improved to guarantee desirable results as far as creating an eCommerce store is concerned.

Thirdly, THE Kibo Code Quantum guides learners through each material, software, and each guide to offer them the rights skills to help them build a profitable online business. You’ll also appreciate the fact that all the course materials in the program are easy to follow and understand. For instance, the upcoming course will be done online via live stream, which offers convenience.

Learns can follow the live stream attentively and ask questions in real-time through the comments. The experts will address any confusion or questions.

How the training module is different from the first installment

During the initial Kibo Code Quantum program, the authors focused on advocating the use of paid traffic and other untapped techniques. For instance, the program founders advocated for strategies like Google Shopping and Bing Shopping as they were highly profitable yet less competitive.

However, in the new and improved Kibo Code Quantum program, the authors now shift their focus to address the impact of free traffic. That includes learning how your online business can benefit from visitors from different social platforms such as Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, and other marketing tools, which shall be addressed in detail during the live stream.

Why you should sign up for the online training program

Several students who previously tried the program testify to its efficiency and helping them operate a profitable eCommerce store. Additionally, industry players also recommend the Kibo Code Quantum training program.

Besides that, third parties can confirm that this comprehensive training program is exhaustive enough and doesn’t leave anything to chance with respect to equipping learners with raw materials that will help grow their online business exponentially.

With this comprehensive online training program, you’ll receive excellent resources including video tutorials, step guides, interactive workshops, and so much more. All the materials are perfectly curated to achieve the same objective – to assist learners to create a profitable eCommerce business. After all, we all want alternative income streams to enjoy peace of mind and financial freedom.

These are the reasons why you should sign up for the program. Put simply, the Kibo Code Quantum program is worth the buy. Obviously, when the program doesn’t work to your expectations, you are free to request a full refund hassle-free. This is convenient, don’t you agree?

Final Verdict

This program is one of the best things you can invest in, especially if you’re interested in online marketing. The best part is, anyone can use this program. It is for anybody who wants to implement internet marketing techniques to generate profit.

So if you’re trying to start an online business of your own, then investing in the Kibo Code Quantum program is the best idea.


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